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Monday, May 27, 2019

june walkabout

june walkabout map!

please, someone, let me know if this link does not work....

as far as i can tell, you can follow me and request updates as is, am i wrong??

Thursday, May 23, 2019

the beginning...

what i THOUGHT i was doing!

me:  "i'm thinking about building a tiny house on wheels..."
her:  "oh, i love that show!"
me:  "what show?!"
her:  "the one about tiny houses..."
me:  "wait, there's a TV show about tiny houses on wheels?!"
her:  "uh, yeh."

another new venture...

really, so many, so fast!

resigned from the job...
land house up for sale...
thow (Tiny House On Wheels) almost finished...
truck all spiffied up...

after 10 years with fremont county school district 25 - over three times longer than i've been anywhere else - i resigned (no, not retired - i'm neither old enough nor rich enough for that)!  tomorrow's my last day.

my LARGE 1020 sf land house is nearly empty, just a couple of things for my sister and a couple for me/my thow (two futon mattresses, a small bedside table and lamp, a tool box, dishes, clothes and toiletries).  but, as my remaining sister said, i'm "just doing this so [i] can get rid of stuff!"

two days until i head south to durango, co and spend the week after labor day helping with finishing touches - since i want So Many and missed working over spring break as my trailer and SIPs were both late.

the truck... thinks it's a Beauty Queen - with an appointment every week!  unmarred windshield, flip ball hitch installed in bed, deluxe bed cover, new fog light, tune-up and tires still to come.  she's also Big, Blue and Beautiful!