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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sleeping Around...

No (sadly?), not THAT way - and "hook-ups" might not mean what you think, either!

Judy's, Eugene, OR - price, 'handy woman' work: H2O, good company, guided tours - culinary and otherwise - of Eugene, cat and dog friendly

Richardson Park Campground, OR - price, $25/night: H2O and electric (which i do not need/use), treed sites, showers, quiet, big level parking area, cat-friendly at night

Santiam River Rest Area (RA), OR - $0: nice spot by the river with nice dog walking options

Gail's, Woodenville, WA - $20/night: outstanding in my field!

Franney's, Olympia, WA - $0

French Prairie RA, OR - $0: has a GREAT second/back area more removed from I-5

Oakgrove RA, OR - $0

Lightening Tree Campground (CG), CA - $50!!!/night: no hook-ups, grill/fire pit (which, of course, leads to roasted marshmellows!), nice hiking trails and lake shore

Chronological Section:
Monticello Fairgrounds, UT - price, $0/night: no hook-ups, quiet, private, organic smells

63 Coalmine Road, WY - price, $0/night: water, shower available, quiet, scenic

(roadside) Moab, UT - price $0/night: no hook-ups, all night street lights, traffic noise

Kane Springs Rest Stop, UT - price $0/night: no hook-ups, noise, scenic, all night lights

Flat Canyon Campground, UT - price $5/night: no hook-ups, quiet, scenic, flat parking

Echo State Park, UT - price $20/night: water, quiet, scenic (lake-side), helpful staff

Big Sandy Ranch, WY - price $0/night: water, quiet, scenic, horses available upon hire

Grassy Mountain Rest Area, UT - price $0/night: no hook-ups, littered

Wadsworth Rest Stop, NV - price $0/night: no hook-ups, noise, cat-friendly

and don't be thinkin' i'm getting rich with all these economic accommodations!  i spend about $150/day in fuel while on the road. 🤑🤑

1 comment:

range rider said...

Well, that's a lot of $0/night. Good thing (?!?) you upped the average a little with $50/night for a "double" spot on the Plumas National Forest! ... Just a little motivation for practicing your THOW-backing skills.
It was great to experience THOW living in the woods, - so civilized to have ones own (composting) toilet and ignore the outhouses.
Thanks for coming by!