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Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Here we are again with that age old question:
When 'they' tell you, "It doesn't matter..." - be skeptical!

1.  It does matter which side of your shed roofed house is the high side (as tree, bridges and other overhead obstacles tend to be much lower on the 'passenger' side which, as you may have guessed, is the high side on my house)....

2.  It does matter which side of your bathroom the window is on (if you plan to have a composting toilet and don't want to smell the natural processes whenever it's humid out or the wind blows in just the right direction)....

3.  It does matter if the overhead lights in your low - and very low - ceiling rooms have knobs on them.  If you don't want to scalp your guests, that is!

So.  When you want to comfort some poor fella (or customer) by saying, "Size doesn't matter!", PLEASE ANSWER RESPONSIBLY and instead say something along the lines of,
"It might make a difference..."

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